
Hello! Thank you for visiting the Millie & Livie theme from Get Polished. We're so happy you've stopped by and looked around. This theme is packed full of everything you'll need to get your blog styled and functional!

  1. Super customizable theme! This means you can change fonts and colors galore! Nearly everything is changeable, from your social media icon colors to your blog title fonts/colors, body text, the colors of all the buttons, the navigation bar and more!
  2. Big, sticky navigation bar that's easy to use: No messing with code. Just create your pages in the "Pages" section on Blogger and activate them from your "Layout" section and they'll appear up top!
  3. Styled profile image section: The circle crop happens automatically! 
  4. Social media icons: You pick your icons and then set the colors from your Template Designer.
  5. The search bar, follow by email section, popular posts section, latest instagrams, labels and blog archive gadgets are all super simple to add with our instructions. 
  6. Post footer share buttons: Find these automatically on the bottom of each of your posts, along with a pretty little styled post footer.
  7. Manual styled "blockquote" and "jump break" (aka: the read more button)
  8. Installation guide that is PACKED full of tutorials and a video library that our customers rave about! 
  9. Thoughtful design and coding. In addition, we teach you how to use the code to your advantage for things like making sure all images are the same width as your post space. 

Blog Design by Get Polished | Copyright © Millie & Livie